23 July 2012

PH :(

Achieved an all-time PH (personal heavy) !!!

When I ran Seoul Marathon in March, I was 67kg. Not exactly light and lean, but I ran a pretty solid race. Three months has gone past without much running, coupled with long trips to London and Hong Kong/Macau. And my weight has ballooned to 74 kg!!!!

Yes, 74 kg !!!! That’s a BMI of 25+….which is in the Overweight zone.

My fitness has eroded materially too….driven by an unwanted combo of excess fatty baggage and limited training.

Have resumed training again in the last 3 weeks. Trying to get myself re-familiarized with running on daily basis again. Similar to my previous experiences after having an off-season, the most difficult sessions were medium long runs and long runs. Still struggled big time to force myself to wake up early in the morning, hence weekday runs were mostly around 40-50mins max. Fitness level is very low at the moment, I simply had no endurance to run more than 75mins.

18 weeks left to go to Osaka Marathon. Hoping to kick-off my marathon training next week, which will be loosely based on the Pfitz plan. Although I am not sure I will be able to handle the prescribed workouts and mileage due to shitty fitness, I shall give it a try :(

Anyway, below is my 3 weeks of introductory training:

Week of 2-8 July:
Mon - off (travel from HK)
Tues - AM 8k easy (5.10) with 5 x hill strides; PM 6k very easy (5.45)
Wed - 13k easy (5.00)
Thu - 8k easy (5.15)
Fri - 8k fartlek (4.40) incl 18 * 45secs on, 15secs off
Sat - 18k easy (5.10)
Sun - Off
Total 60km

Week of 9-15 July:
Mon - 8k easy (5.10) with 4 x hill strides
Tue - AM 10k fartlek (4.40) incl 3 sets (3-2-1 mins), rec 60-90secs in between; PM 6k very easy (5.45)
Wed – 8k easy (5.10)
Thu – AM 13k moderate (4.40); PM 5k very easy (5.48)
Fri – 8k easy (5.00) with 8 strides
Sat – 20k easy (5.10)
Sun – off
Total 78km

Week of 16-22 July:
Mon – 9k fartlek (4.40) with 15-60secs pick ups
Tue – 12k easy (5.00)
Wed – 8k easy (5.15)
Thu – 11.5k incl 5k tempo (4.05) + 3*20secs hills
Fri – 9k easy (5.15)
Sat – off (flu)
Sun – 14k easy (5.10)
Total 65km


Epi said...

Good luck - I'm sure the excess weight will melt off as the mileage increases.

Ewen said...

Wow! How tall are you? I'm 74kg and I'm 1.85m - was 70kg as a young man.

Too much supersizing! One good thing about the extra weight is that it's a very good training stimulus. Like that bloke who's training with a weighted vest with the aim of running a 2 hour marathon. I reckon if you got down to 64-5kg you'd run 2:57 no problems.

Sling Runner said...

Ewen, unfortunately I am only 170cm !!!

Have lost 1.5kg after 2 weeks, hopefully can shed more!!!