06 October 2010

From 10-10-10 to 0-0-0

Things are going from bad to worse. Haven't run for a few days now :(

Ankle is still very weak and doens't have much strength to toe off. I also strain my back due to overcompensation of running gait and maybe incorrect posture when doing cross training. Tried to run, but only lasted a couple of minutes. All body parts are extremely tight and I can't run with my natural movement.

At this moment, it's only 30% chance I will make it to the start.

Will try to see a sports physio when I am there. I notice some of these physios have experiences with the Australian natonal track and field team and AFL clubs. Hopefully they can fix my problem for good.


by7 said...

sling... give it a miss.
It does not make sense to run the HM just to cripple/crawl through 21k and finish in 1h40'... for what ??

get serious about cross-training and get a good look of your overall gait, etc....

Samurai Running said...

I understand by7s logic Sling. Still if your booked I'd run.

I'm also suffering with similar issues, extremely tight too, and finding it hard running.

Don't know what led to this but going to slowly build it back up.

Good luck to you.

Ewen said...

Good luck with the physios. Even if you don't run between now and then you could still come good on the day.

Just play it by ear and have a realistic DNF plan if you're in pain early on - dropping out at 5 or 10k shouldn't do you any damage or slow recovery. Start as a marathon-pace run and see how you go.